Senin, 09 Desember 2019

School Literacy Movement
A.    Introduction
Reading is not much liked by some people, because it is very boring, but reading is very beneficial. Reading is a window to the world, illustrating the benefits of reading that is open, expand horizons and knowledge of the individual. The interpretation of the word is very broad reading: reading natural phenomena, social, political, and so forth. Reading means seeing the writing and understand or be able to express what is written (Purwadarminto, 2007). Therefore, this paper is structured to know about literacy, literacy movement in school.
B.     definition of Literacy
Indonesian dictionary meaning of the term literacy to mention two, namely: (1) the ability to read and write; (2) knowledge or skills in a particular field or activity. The following literacy term meaning that, presumably an adaptation of the English Language: literacy, which means: (1) The ability to read and write; (2) Competence or knowledge in a specified area. I (Puslitjatdibuk, 2018).
The definition of literacy is widely interpreted as language skills that include the ability to listen, speak, read, and write, as well as the ability to think that to be an element in it. Literacy is also interpreted as literacy, literacy, educated or proficiency in reading and writing (Teale & Sulby, 1986: Cooper, 1993: 6, Alwasilah 2001 in Kusmana: 2016). Currently expanding the concept of literacy that includes computer literacy (literacy on computer), media literacy, economic literacy, technology literacy, information literacy. It is undeniable that literacy in reading and writing are fundamental to understanding other literacy-literacy (Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, 2018: 1-2).
The opinions above refers to the results of the press conference, Prague 2003 Conference Prague 2003 updating the definition of literacy. Literacy meaning which was originally limited to the ability to read and write, interpreted also includes how people communicate in society. Literacy is also meaningful practices and social relations associated with knowledge, language, and culture (UNESCO, 2003). New signification to literacy is known as information literacy.
Literacy is not only meant as reading and writing, but also uses the ability to think broadly, using existing resources, whether in print, visual, and auditory digital. The literacy skills gained from various activities of reading, listening, writing, seeing, and talking. Someone said literacy if someone is able to understand what they get from literacy capabilities. Sensitivity on literacy on a course does not appear out of nowhere. No human has been literate since birth. The soul can come up with processes, habituation, and facilities. It is also supported family environment, campus environment, and social environment.
C.     School literacy movement
1.      definition
Movement Literacy Schools are a business or activities that are participatory with the involvement of the school community (learners, teachers, principals, educators, school superintendent, school committee, parents/guardians of students), academics, publishers, media, community (community leaders who can represent exemplary, businesses, etc.), and stakeholders under the coordination of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture. GLS is a social movement with collaborative support of various elements of the efforts taken to make it happen in the form of habituation read learners. Habituation is implemented with 15 minutes of reading (the teacher read the book and read the school community in the heart, which is adapted to the context or the target school). When habituation read the form, then be taken to the stage of development, and learning (with charges based on Curriculum 2013). Variations may be a mix of development activities of receptive and productive skills. In practice, at certain periods scheduled, so that the impact assessment carried GLS existence can be known and constantly developed. GLS is expected to mobilize the school community, stakeholders and communities to jointly own, implement and make this movement as an essential part of life. at a certain period scheduled, so that the impact assessment carried GLS existence can be known and constantly developed. GLS is expected to mobilize the school community, stakeholders and communities to jointly own, implement and make this movement as an essential part of life. at a certain period scheduled, so that the impact assessment carried GLS existence can be known and constantly developed. GLS is expected to mobilize the school community, stakeholders and communities to jointly own, implement and make this movement as an essential part of life.
2.      The purpose of the school literati movement
a.       General-purpose
Develop character through familiarization ecosystem learners school literacy are realized in the school literary movement so that they become lifelong learners.
b.      Special purpose
1)      Cultivating a culture of literacy in schools.
2)      Increasing the capacity of citizens and the environment of the school in order to literate.
3)      School makes learning fun as parks and schools child-friendly so that citizens are able to manage knowledge.
4)      Maintaining continuity of learning by presenting various readings and accommodate a variety of reading strategies
3.      Implementation of Literacy Movement In Schools
According to P Wiedarti (2016: 27) literary movement divided into three stages, namely:
a.       habituation
Habituation aims to foster an interest in reading and to the activities of reading within the school community. Growing interest in reading is fundamental to the development of literacy skills of students.
The focus of activity in the conditioning phase include:
1)       Fifteen minutes of reading every day before school hours through reading books aloud (read aloud) or the entire school community to read silently (sustained silent reading).
2)      Building a school physical environment rich in literacy, among others, (1) provide a school library, reading corner, and a comfortable reading area; (2) the development of other means (UKS, cafeteria, school gardens); (3) providing a collection of printed text, visual, digital, or multimodal accessible to all people in schools; (4) creation of text-rich materials (print-rich materials).
Based on the explanations GLS in the habituation phase is characterized by the growth of activity of reading fun in reading and on reading within the school community.
b.      Development
Literacy activities at this stage aims to develop the ability to understand and associate reading with personal experience, critical thinking, and communication skills in a creative process through responding to reading enrichment activities. The focus of activity in the development stage include:
1)        Fifteen minutes of reading every day before school hours through reading books aloud, silent reading, reading together, and read guided followed other activities by the bill nonacademic, for example: create a map of the story (story folder), using graphic organizers, talk books.
2)        Developing the physical and social environment, affective school rich school literacy and create an ecosystem that values ​​openness and passion for knowledge with a variety of activities including (1) gives awards to the achievement of positive behavior, social care, and the spirit of learners. This can be done at any awards ceremony Monday flag and / or other warning; (2) other academic activities that support the creation of literate culture in schools (school orchards learning, learning in the environment outside the school, library tourist cities/regions and public reading, and others.
3)        The development of literacy skills through activities in the school library/libraries cities/regions or public reading or the reading corner classroom with activities such as (1) read the book aloud, reading silently read the joint (shared reading), reading guided (guided reading) , watch a short film, and/or read the visual text/digital (material from the internet); (2) learners respond to the text (print / visual / digital), fiction and nonfiction, through some simple activities such as drawing, concept maps, discussing and talking about books.
As described above in the stage of development of the literary movement of the process to develop skills in reading comprehension, and the ability to process communication creatively respond to reading enrichment.
c.       learning
At this stage there are bills that academic nature (associated with subjects). Reading at this stage to support the implementation of Curriculum 2013, which requires learners to read books notes lessons that can be either general knowledge books, fads, special interest, or text multimodal, and can also be associated with a particular subject as much as 6 books for elementary school students, 12 books for junior high school students, and 18 books for high school / vocational school. Book reading activity report on the learning phase is provided by homeroom. The focus of activity in this learning phase, among others:
1)       Fifteen minutes of reading every day before school hours through reading books aloud, silent reading, reading together, and / or other activities followed the guided reading with the bill nonacademic and academic.
2)      Literacy activities in learning, tailored to the academic curriculum bill, 2013.
3)      Implement various strategies to understand texts in all subjects (for example, using graphic organizers).
4)      Using the physical environment, social effects, and accompanied by a variety of academic literature (print, visual, auditory, digital) are rich in literacy beyond textbooks to enrich knowledge in the subjects.
While it is already known on the stage - the stage before that only grows and develops. At this stage, it has entered into a learning curriculum that supports 2013 due to read books to familiarize non-lesson the students are expected to foster interest in reading in the learning process.
D.    Conclusion
Literacy is a stage of social behavior that is the individual's ability to read, interpret, and analyze the information and knowledge that they canto give birth to live prosperity (superior civilization).Movement Literacy Schools are a business or activities that are participatory with the involvement of the school community (learners, teachers, principals, educators, school superintendent, school committee, parents/guardians of students), academics, publishers, media, community (community leaders who can represent exemplary, businesses, etc.), and stakeholders under the coordination of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Purwadarminto, 2007. Indonesian dictionary. Jakarta: PN Hall.

Padmadewi, Nyoman and Putu Artini. 2018. Literacy in Schools From Theory to Practice. Bali: Nilacakra. Ahmadi Farid and IBDA, Hamidulloh. 2018.

Media Literacy School.Semarang: CV. Pilar Nusantara.

Widearti, P., Kisyani-Laksono, et al. (2016). Parent Literacy Gerkan Design School. Jakarta: Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Ministry of Education and Culture.

Kamis, 26 September 2019

Pedagogical Content

1.1 Teaching Methods 

Before teaching, the teacher prepares the lesson plan first. They use Curriculum guidance and can be modified the learning. Which prioritizes in The teacher uses the method questions and answer, make a group discussion, creativity in thinking, self-confidence and a lot of activities, the teacher gives an example of real and variety of methods to the pupils so that they do not get bored quickly, and material can be taken from books, internet, videos, and the other. 

1.2 Learning Materials and Innovation 

Teachers used powerpoint as learning media by using laptops, books, activities card,  projectors, and speakers. For elementary school level, As an innovation in learning, sometimes teachers also use other media such as colorful pieces of paper taped to cartons, charts, videos, and also images. teachers modification the learning with games. 

1.3. Sources learning and Technology

In the learning resource, they use textbooks from the 2012 curriculum, sometimes the teacher get reference from the Internet. The technology use Internet, laptop, projector, and speaker. They make powerpoint and display using projectors. Pupils are not allowed to use electronic devices such as cellphones in class. The teacher always displays videos of educative learning. 

1.4. Authentic Assesment

Based the teacher observed is the daily development of the pupils, evaluations that are always given each time after finished, besides that, the teacher also takes pupils' abilities and understanding of the material. While authentic assessment in class is based on activity, attendance, performance, and behavior during learning activities. There are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.  

1.5. Other

First Mentoring and Coaching (Teaching Assistanship and Immersion)

Saturday, August 23 2019 was the first day I came to elementary school, which is precisely at Dep.ed CLSU Laboratory school. I carried out classroom observations and teaching assistants, I got class 2 SSES with a teacher coordinator named Maam Analyn N. Razon. I observed first how he taught.

Central Luzon State University also gave me the opportunity to teach at Deps. CLSU Elementary Lab School class 2 SSES, where I was required to teach there. There are 2 Pre-School classes, Class 1 there are 1 SSES and 2 Regular, Class 2 there are 1 SSES and 2 Regular, and for classes 3 to 6 have 2 regular classes each. The application of SSES began one year ago, SSES is a Science Elementary School Special, where students are required to study science by using English after lunch. They start studying from 07.20 a.m until 05.00 pm. Every day they held a Ceremonial flag, and at the end of the lesson on that day they cleaned the classroom. I am very happy because I am assisted by the best teacher, Maam Analyn N. Razon, who is a class teacher in class 2. First, I first observed what learning and teaching methods are like. Next I became an assistant teacher and in the end, I really taught. The learning method that is carried out here is very good so it does not quickly bore students. Every time the subject is finished, time is given for snack time. I really like the learning system here.

Teaching Plan

1.1 Curriculum

1.2 Teaching Plan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 2
Integrated with Mathematics

       I.            Learning Objectives:
A.    Cognitive              : Identify the days of the week and their abbreviations correctl
B.     Psychomotor         : Write the days of the week.
C.     Affective               :
    II.            Learning Content
A.    Skill                       : Writing the Days Of The Week Correctly
B.     References             : Lesson Guide DEB , Lesson Plan Grade 2 Page 82, The
   writing Comite Page. English Book grade 2 Erlangga Page 21.
C.     Materials                : Pictures, Calendar, Poem in Chart, Powerpoint Presentation.
 III.            Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity
Pupil’s Activity
A.    Preparation
1.      Performing Routinized Activities
a.       Greeting
b.      Praying
c.       Singing
d.      Checking of Attendance
       2.   Drill
             Class, I have here an activity. Please
              raise your green flaglet if the word that
              I am going to flash in the screen  is an
              event and raise your yellow flaglet if it
              is not.
            Is it clear, class?

 3. Review
Yesterday we have learned about special days or events.
Now, let me see if you understood our lesson yesterday.
(Group the pupils into two groups with five members each)

4. Motivation
(Show a calendar on September 2019)
What do you call this? Yes, Vicco.

What are found in this calendar? Rhyzen

That’s good.
What is the day today?

That’s right.
Today is Thursday, yesterday is? Yes, Philip.

What did you do yesterday ? Clarens?
Very nice.

Good morning Maam

Yes, it is.

(The pupils will do the activity)

Direction:  Write the important dates correctly. Choose your answer from the box.

February 14            January 1
December 25      November 1
June 12

______1. All Saint’s Day
______2. Valentine’s Day
______3. New Year’s Day
______4. Independence Day
______5. Christmas Day

A calendar maam.

We can found in the calendar the date, days  and year maam.

Today is Thursday, September 10th  2019.

Yesterday was Monday.

Yesterday, I went to church and pray.
B.     Development Activities
        1.      Presentation
I asked you those questions because that is our lesson for today. What do you think our lesson today, Khlein?

Okay class, I have a poem here about Ana.
Let us see what she does everyday.
       2.    Motive Questions:
Before we read the poem, let us first read the questions that you are going to answer afterwards.

     3. Recalling standards for choral reading
What are the standards for choral reading, Yes, Bien.

     4.  Reading of the poem

      5. Comprehension check-up
    Answering the motive questions.

      6. Discussion
    How many days are there in a week? Mara.
    What are they day? Prince

    Very good. 
    Let us read the names of the days.

   Class, will you try to write the short forms of
   the days on the board?
   (The teacher will call the names of the pupils)

   How are they written, Dhanjie?
   That’s right.
   What do you see at the end of the short form,     Josh?

Our lesson today is days of the week.

1.      When did Ana go to church?
2.      When did she clean her room?
3.      When did she clean the door and scrub the floor?
4.      When did she wash the dishes, spoons, forks and glasses?
5.      When did she pull the weeds and plant some seeds?
6.      When did she help mother in the kitchen?
7.      What day she like best? Why?

Standards for choral reading are:
1. Sit properly.
2. Don’t talk with your seatmate.
3. Read the words correctly.
4. Understand what you are 

Sunday- I do not work on this special day. I go to church and there I pray.
Monday- I clean my room with a rag and broom.
Tuesday- I clean the door and scrub the floor.
Wednesday- I wash the dishes, spoons, forks, and  glasses.
Thursday- I pull the weeds and plant some seeds.
Friday- I help my mother work in the kitchen. We cook some vegetables, rice and chicken.
Saturday- This is the day that I like best. I play and play and then I rest.

There are seven days in a week.

The days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

(The pupils will read the days of the week)

(The pupil who will be called will write the short form of the days on the board)

They start in a capital or big letters.

There’s a period at the end of the short form.

C.    Generalization
How do we write the days of the week, Rofer?
What do we do when we say abbreviate the days of the week, Jodie?
How do we write the short form or abbreviation of the days of the week? Kurt.

We write the days of the week with a capital letter.
When we say abbreviate, it is the short form.

We start with a capital letter and we put a period at the end.

D.    Application
Group Activities

Each group will present their outputs

Group 1:
Arrange the jumbled letters to form a new word.

Group 2:
Direction: Cut out the squares at the bottom of the page. Arrange the days of the week in order and paste them in the boxes below.

Group 3:
Direction: Write the correct day of the week in the train carriages.

E.     Fixing skills
(Individual Activity)
Now, write your own short  activities for a week!
I will give you 10 minutes. Begin!

Class, Who wants to share their daily activities in front?
(Call for at least 5 pupils to share their daily activities)

(The pupils will write their daily activities)

(The pupils will raise their hand)

 IV.            Evaluation:
A.    Write the short form of the days:
1.      Sunday            :­­­­­­­___________
2.      Monday           :___________
3.      Tuesday           :___________
4.      Wednesday     :___________
5.      Thursday         :___________
6.      Friday              :___________
7.      Saturday          :___________
B.     Find name word of the days for a week!

    V.            Assignment/ Homework
What day comes after? Write their short form.
1.      Sunday      :­­­­­­­___________
2.      Monday     :___________
3.      Tuesday     :___________
4.      Wednesday:___________
5.      Thursday   :___________
6.      Friday        :___________
7.      Saturday    :___________

Prepared by:                                                                Checked:

KUSNA YUNITA                                         ANALYN N. RAZON
      SEA Teacher                                               Cooperating Teacher

1.3. Other