School Literacy Movement
Reading is not much liked by some people, because it is very
boring, but reading is very beneficial. Reading is a window to the world,
illustrating the benefits of reading that is open, expand horizons and
knowledge of the individual. The interpretation of the word is very broad
reading: reading natural phenomena, social, political, and so forth. Reading
means seeing the writing and understand or be able to express what is written
(Purwadarminto, 2007). Therefore, this paper is structured to know about
literacy, literacy movement in school.
definition of Literacy
dictionary meaning of the term literacy to mention two, namely: (1) the ability
to read and write; (2) knowledge or skills in a particular field or activity.
The following literacy term meaning that, presumably an adaptation of the
English Language: literacy, which means: (1) The ability to read and write; (2)
Competence or knowledge in a specified area. I (Puslitjatdibuk, 2018).
The definition of literacy
is widely interpreted as language skills that include the ability to listen,
speak, read, and write, as well as the ability to think that to be an element
in it. Literacy is also interpreted as literacy, literacy, educated or
proficiency in reading and writing (Teale & Sulby, 1986: Cooper, 1993: 6,
Alwasilah 2001 in Kusmana: 2016). Currently expanding the concept of literacy
that includes computer literacy (literacy on computer), media literacy,
economic literacy, technology literacy, information literacy. It is undeniable
that literacy in reading and writing are fundamental to understanding other
literacy-literacy (Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, 2018: 1-2).
The opinions above
refers to the results of the press conference, Prague 2003 Conference Prague 2003
updating the definition of literacy. Literacy meaning which was originally
limited to the ability to read and write, interpreted also includes how people
communicate in society. Literacy is also meaningful practices and social
relations associated with knowledge, language, and culture (UNESCO, 2003). New
signification to literacy is known as information literacy.
Literacy is not only
meant as reading and writing, but also uses the ability to think broadly, using
existing resources, whether in print, visual, and auditory digital. The
literacy skills gained from various activities of reading, listening, writing,
seeing, and talking. Someone said literacy if someone is able to understand what
they get from literacy capabilities. Sensitivity on literacy on a course
does not appear out of nowhere. No human has been literate since birth. The soul
can come up with processes, habituation, and facilities. It is also supported
family environment, campus environment, and social environment.
School literacy movement
Movement Literacy
Schools are a business or activities that are participatory with the
involvement of the school community (learners, teachers, principals, educators,
school superintendent, school committee, parents/guardians of students), academics,
publishers, media, community (community leaders who can represent exemplary,
businesses, etc.), and stakeholders under the coordination of the Directorate
General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and
Culture. GLS is a social movement with collaborative support of various
elements of the efforts taken to make it happen in the form of habituation read
learners. Habituation is implemented with 15 minutes of reading (the teacher
read the book and read the school community in the heart, which is adapted to
the context or the target school). When habituation read the form, then be
taken to the stage of development, and learning (with charges based on
Curriculum 2013). Variations may be a mix of development activities of receptive
and productive skills. In practice, at certain periods scheduled, so that the
impact assessment carried GLS existence can be known and constantly developed.
GLS is expected to mobilize the school community, stakeholders and communities
to jointly own, implement and make this movement as an essential part of life.
at a certain period scheduled, so that the impact assessment carried GLS
existence can be known and constantly developed. GLS is expected to mobilize
the school community, stakeholders and communities to jointly own, implement
and make this movement as an essential part of life. at a certain period
scheduled, so that the impact assessment carried GLS existence can be known and
constantly developed. GLS is expected to mobilize the school community,
stakeholders and communities to jointly own, implement and make this movement
as an essential part of life.
The purpose of the school literati
Develop character
through familiarization ecosystem learners school literacy are realized in the
school literary movement so that they become lifelong learners.
Special purpose
1) Cultivating a
culture of literacy in schools.
2) Increasing the
capacity of citizens and the environment of the school in order to literate.
3) School makes
learning fun as parks and schools child-friendly so that citizens are able to
manage knowledge.
4) Maintaining
continuity of learning by presenting various readings and accommodate a variety
of reading strategies
Implementation of Literacy Movement
In Schools
According to P
Wiedarti (2016: 27) literary movement divided into three stages, namely:
Habituation aims to foster an interest in reading and to the
activities of reading within the school community. Growing interest in reading
is fundamental to the development of literacy skills of students.
The focus of activity in the conditioning phase include:
Fifteen minutes of reading every day before
school hours through reading books aloud (read aloud) or the entire school
community to read silently (sustained silent reading).
Building a school physical
environment rich in literacy, among others, (1) provide a school library,
reading corner, and a comfortable reading area; (2) the development of other
means (UKS, cafeteria, school gardens); (3) providing a collection of printed
text, visual, digital, or multimodal accessible to all people in schools; (4)
creation of text-rich materials (print-rich materials).
Based on the explanations GLS in the habituation phase is characterized by the growth of activity of reading fun in
reading and on reading within the school community.
Literacy activities at this stage aims to develop the ability to
understand and associate reading with personal experience, critical thinking,
and communication skills in a creative process through responding to reading
enrichment activities. The focus of activity in the development stage include:
Fifteen minutes of reading every day
before school hours through reading books aloud, silent reading, reading
together, and read guided followed other activities by the bill nonacademic,
for example: create a map of the story (story folder), using graphic
organizers, talk books.
Developing the physical and social
environment, affective school rich school literacy and create an ecosystem that
values openness and passion for knowledge with a variety of activities including
(1) gives awards to the achievement of positive behavior, social care, and the
spirit of learners. This can be done at any awards ceremony Monday flag and /
or other warning; (2) other academic activities that support the creation of
literate culture in schools (school orchards learning, learning in the
environment outside the school, library tourist cities/regions and public
reading, and others.
The development of literacy skills
through activities in the school library/libraries cities/regions or public
reading or the reading corner classroom with activities such as (1) read the
book aloud, reading silently read the joint (shared reading), reading guided
(guided reading) , watch a short film, and/or read the visual text/digital
(material from the internet); (2) learners respond to the text (print / visual
/ digital), fiction and nonfiction, through some simple activities such as
drawing, concept maps, discussing and talking about books.
As described above in the stage of development of the literary
movement of the process to develop skills in reading comprehension, and the
ability to process communication creatively respond to reading enrichment.
At this stage there are bills that academic nature (associated with
subjects). Reading at this stage to support the implementation of Curriculum
2013, which requires learners to read books notes lessons that can be either
general knowledge books, fads, special interest, or text multimodal, and can
also be associated with a particular subject as much as 6 books for elementary
school students, 12 books for junior high school students, and 18 books for
high school / vocational school. Book reading activity report on the learning
phase is provided by homeroom. The focus of activity in this learning phase,
among others:
Fifteen minutes of reading every day before
school hours through reading books aloud, silent reading, reading together, and
/ or other activities followed the guided reading with the bill nonacademic and
Literacy activities in learning,
tailored to the academic curriculum bill, 2013.
Implement various strategies to
understand texts in all subjects (for example, using graphic organizers).
Using the physical environment,
social effects, and accompanied by a variety of academic literature (print,
visual, auditory, digital) are rich in literacy beyond textbooks to enrich
knowledge in the subjects.
While it is already known on the stage - the stage before that only
grows and develops. At this stage, it has entered into a learning curriculum that
supports 2013 due to read books to familiarize non-lesson the students are
expected to foster interest in reading in the learning process.
Literacy is a stage of social behavior that is the individual's
ability to read, interpret, and analyze the information and knowledge that they
canto give birth to live prosperity (superior civilization).Movement Literacy
Schools are a business or activities that are participatory with the
involvement of the school community (learners, teachers, principals, educators,
school superintendent, school committee, parents/guardians of students),
academics, publishers, media, community (community leaders who can represent
exemplary, businesses, etc.), and stakeholders under the coordination of the
Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of
Education and Culture.
2007. Indonesian dictionary. Jakarta: PN Hall.
Padmadewi, Nyoman and Putu Artini. 2018. Literacy in Schools From
Theory to Practice. Bali: Nilacakra. Ahmadi Farid and IBDA, Hamidulloh. 2018.
Literacy School.Semarang: CV. Pilar Nusantara.
P., Kisyani-Laksono, et al. (2016). Parent Literacy Gerkan Design School.
Jakarta: Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Ministry of
Education and Culture.
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